Michele said:
We've got the P2000 insert. I'm just wondering how everyone else
that owns this model cleans their stove? Does anyone use a vacuum?
It doesn't matter what make/model pellet stove you have, they
all are pretty much the same when it comes to cleaning. Usually
consists of cleaning the burnpot, heat exchange tubes, ash traps,
and emptying ash pan. The owners manual is your friend and
has a detailed description of cleaning. (Page 19 in the PDF manual I pointed you to before)
Many of us use shop vac's to clean out the stoves. I use a Loveless shop vac
with a drywall bag otherwise the ash dust particles will fill your house.
You can get an inexpensive shop vac and drywall bags at Home Depot, Lowes, etc.
Always let the stove cool long enough so that there are no hot ashes inside or
you could have yourself a fire.
I clean the glass with a cleaner we had here in the house that is
specifically for dirty fireplace doors. I wouldn't use a razor blade as you
can scratch the glass with it and it's just messy. I vacuum the door and
gasket off first, then spray the cleaner on a towel then wipe down the door.
The glass on my stove gets dirty very quickly if I run the stove on low for long periods.