- Sep 11, 2013
- 151
Spent almost two hours walking around the local brush site yesterday. Mainly all elm some cottonwood and a ton of yard waste. I only burn outside so I tend to be picky with what I bring home. Mesquite and fruit woods for the smoker. Whatever I can find that doesn't stink to the high heavens or is a pita to split for the chiminea and camping. So what do I do with my selection.. bring home some dang ol' c wood, elm, pine, spruce, cedar, one tiny round of oak, and some 4" diameter sticks of locust a tree crew was dropping as I arrived. Maybe a 1/4 cord. Seeing all the huge scrounges some of yall grab has me feeling down but hey what am I b*$@#ing about... It's a hobby cheaper than the gym. Rant over.