bug id

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Feeling the Heat
Oct 23, 2012
Corapeake NC
So I got a bunch of big pieces of pecan from my neighbor and as I was unloading it I kept finding these little white worms anybody know what they are? [Hearth.com] bug id [Hearth.com] bug id
Keep it seperate from your other wood. If its bugs that go after hickories specifically you could google it. Hickory gets attacked by several. Hard to imagine cause its such hard wood.
Great firewood though!!
Ive never burned pecan before im saving it fir next year. Ive seen these bugs before in pine im hoping they're not a problem. Should I have my pest control guy spray the stack? Also it seems that they are only in the bark not the actual wood.
I get lots of beetle larvae in pine when I leave it in rounds, some in cherry and oak too.
Dunno what kind of beetle, they're a tiny bit longer and whiter than that.
Between the bark and the wood.

There's another one that gets into the oak and chews long chambers, haven't seen any lately.
Ok a little more research and the Google says they are a type of beetle larvae that tend to love pecan, hickory and the like. Im worried about them moving on to the rest of my wood or my trees or even worse the house. The wood in question is in the driveway and the rest is stacked next to the shed about 30-40 ft from the house. Im having trouble finding info on these critters moving to a structure all the stuff ive read so far is mixed so if theres anyone here that knows bugs let me know. Thanks
They look like your standard "c" shaped grub. They are scarab type beetle larvae... Like Japanese beetles. The only way to positively I'd them is to count the butt hairs. Seriously!

(broken link removed to http://msuent.com/assets/pdf/03GrubID.pdf)

japanese beetles grubs live in dirt/lawns

are those beetles in the bark or in the wood ?

I don't think the ones in the bark will bother lumber in your home.
Miners like powder post beetles drilling into the heartwood I'd want to burn as many as possible before it got warm and they get to moving on.
Fish bait
Those are beetle larvae and nothing to worry about. I have found similar larve in all types of wood. Larvae like those don't do a lot of damage even to the piece of firewood in which they live. Some other types of beetles, like powder post beetles, do more damage, but even those are strictly a firewood problem, not a house problem. Birds and chickens live them.
they look like this guys little brother...:)

[Hearth.com] bug id
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Invite Bear Grylls and Les Stroud to dinner in your wood shed supply them with forks and empty plates and your grub problem will go away ;)

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From what I can find they should be relatively harmless. The biggest problem is they're slowly eating my wood and when they grow up they turn into giant beetles.
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