So here I am in the year number nine with my Garn 2000 and it has developed a leak. It's leaking into the fresh air intake pipe and leaking out at the air intake out side. I am also seeing some moisture high on the intake collar inside the firebox door. Probably leaking in that area into the intake pipe. Water is clean you can look in the lid and see the burning chamber. I always drain some off bottom every fall and it's never bad. I have Y strainers ahead of my four heat exchanger's and I pull them every fall and there never bad. I work maintenance at a factory and we have a lot of hot water systems , boilers, cooling towers so we have the equipment to test water so I check it couple times a year it's been ok. So what happen? I losing around a gallon a day. Here we are in the middle of high usage time so I don't want to drain it and see if I can repair it. Called Garn and it appears they are going to be no help. When I wrote the check for $15,000 I sure thought it was going to last better than this. I got $30,000 in the hold system and I did all the work other than spray foaming the under ground lines. $30,000 grand would have bought a lot of propane in the last nine year. So here the question anyone else have any problem or am I the only one that got one built on a Monday?