For the last few months I have not been able to get a good secondary burn that was possible before and can not figure out why. They will light off then slowly go down and the fire have too little energy to keep them going. i work my way down to secondaries with a 500+ stove top temp and 650 to 700 flue temp measured with a probe and has been running that way for 10 to 15 minutes. i do not cut the air all at once but in steps about 5 minutes apart and let it stabilize at each step. In general the stove temp goes up and flue goes down. Highest stove temp of 650 with flue probe at 500. the wood re-split oak with a MC of 10 to 14% Packed in fairly tight. At less than secondaries there is plenty of heat but no secondaries at all it just burns with short flames if I am going to keep it going. I am thinking door gasket even though they seem to pass every test is the only way to short circuit the burn. Any ideas at all...???