I had a Large Flush Wood Hybrid-Fyre™ by Travis installed last year. I continued to have issues with Carbon Monoxide detection when running a slow burn overnight. The installer insists there are no issues with the seals, but that's not possible. The only time the CO detector will not go off overnight on a slow burn is if the flue remains slightly open. However, in theory, the bypass should be able to remain closed. Also, at one point, I had not lit the insert in a week when it was very cold out. I had started a small hot fire with the blue gel, smart start squares, small dry kindling and shredded paper. Well, it started to smoke like crazy when i added the paper. I closed the door, but miraculously, smoke entered the room from the bottom of the unit. Again, the installer said during a cold start like that, smoke will find it's way through any crevice and I shouldn't have added the paper (note that the manual says to use newspaper during cold start). Now, I don't know much about wood inserts yet, but I would think that if the door is closed and the unit is installed correctly, I should not have any carbon monoxide, or smoke, coming into the house. Can anyone tell me what they think is causing the issue? I hope to get it fixed before I use it again this year. I'm having a baby and I need to ensure we are 100% safe. I don't know where else to turn since the approved dealer/installer insists there are no issues with the seal.