New guy here from lower NY. I am seriously considering an upgrade for my stove. We bought the house with a Franklin style stove already there. It makes tons of heat, but only for about 2 hours. With the tax credit and climbing energy costs it seems now is the time. I like the soapstone stoves for appearance and because of what I have read about heat output. I am leaning toward a Woodstock probably Fireveiw. I have talked on the phone with the Woodstock people and read about them here, they seem to be a great product. Yesterday I went to my local Stove guy to see what he had. He showed me Hearthstone stoves. The Homestead looks like it would be good for me. He told me that there was no advantage to a cat stove over non-cat except cleaner burning, and he also told me that the cat required way too much maintenance. That kinda goes against what I have read here. All other things being equal, will a Woodstock cat stove perform better than a Hearthstone non-cat? Or is this guy simply promoting what he sells? My wife prefers the look of the Hearthstone. What are you all's thoughts on this?