I just ordered a Century FW300011 for a house that is around 1000 square foot I was wondering how well this will heat my house? I also ordered Dura Vent Dura plus class A chimney and basic installation kit to go through my attic and roof I figured I would just get black single wall locally for the stove to the ceiling support box. Sound alright so far? This stove does not have the blower I was thinking of just using a fan for now since my house is small and the blowers are like $119 because everywhere that had them for $62 are sold out!!*^&&*(^(* I cut about 4 cords of 2 year old seasoned hedge and Hickory and have them stored awaiting the arrival of my new stove! I hope Hedge is not to hot for this stove? What is the difference between the FW300011 and the FW300010? The stove and pipe should be here tomm. and I am anxious