Q&A Cheezy Firebox

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New Member
Staff member
Nov 27, 2012

We recently purchased a house equipped with a Martin Industries model sc36. It is a fireplace insert with a non brick insulated chimney and lots of air around the bottom and back of it. Is there any type of blower I can install to force some of the hot air around the box and out the top of the insert to make it more efficient? Also will I create a fire hazard if I try to modify it into one of those types that take air from the outside for combustion instead of sucking in the cold from every other window in the rest of the house?


It is very possible that Martin Industries makes a blower retrofit for this model. They may also maKe an outside air attachment. It will be dangerous for you to make modifications to this units. Please only use stuff made by the factory for the specific model

12/2007 Martin Industries went out of business in 2002. Their website is still active and offers possible sources for parts etc.

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