The ash plate on the bottom of the burn pot moves ok but the ash plate just below it, which empties the ash from the chamber ( directly below the ash pot and the one that contains the igniter), does not open and shut. The rod to the ash plates working ok and the mechanism works but the second plate does move. I got in touch with my dealer here in CT and then another Quadra Fire dealer in Minnesota, but all they have is a parts list and the parts that attach to the bottom slideplate shows nothing I also called the company and they route all incoming calls to the dealers. i have worked on it myself - replaced augur motor, igniter, thermostats and removed and tested the main control board so I can figure out more or less if I am given information from this site as long as the responder doesn't get carried away. I am after all, a woman and retired. I have to wait until the stove cools down and then vacuum out the ashpot. Getting tired of dragging out the shop vac. Well, upside is I don't put the vacuum away, just leave it off to the side If a potential thief broke in, it's likely to trip over the vacuum and break a leg. you can see the rod on the left and the igniter in the front, the offending plate on the bottom. I appreciate any help, Thank you so much in advance.
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