For those considering purchasing Harman Stoves:
You may find my post of some interest.
Not to say this is true of ALL Harman dealers and in advance I wish to make a point of saying I' msure there are some very good, honest, knowledgeable and caring ones out there. Unfortunately this speaks of what experience we have had.
There is more information availible if any are interested.
I am not in a habit of posting flames nor negative reviews on thge internet, however when a company goes to the lengths this one has it indicates to me a sincere disregard for the safety, welfare and efforts of users of their products.
Remember this is not in reference to an old, discontinued product line. The stove in question is still currently being sold new for about $3000 on up.
You may find my post of some interest.
Not to say this is true of ALL Harman dealers and in advance I wish to make a point of saying I' msure there are some very good, honest, knowledgeable and caring ones out there. Unfortunately this speaks of what experience we have had.
There is more information availible if any are interested.
I am not in a habit of posting flames nor negative reviews on thge internet, however when a company goes to the lengths this one has it indicates to me a sincere disregard for the safety, welfare and efforts of users of their products.
Remember this is not in reference to an old, discontinued product line. The stove in question is still currently being sold new for about $3000 on up.