Attached are pics from a couple of craigslist scores. Grabbed about a cord of Oregon ash, alder and doug fir today. Last weekend it was about a third of a cord of Photinia. Doesn't that Photinia have a nice color, shame to burn it. I tried a piece in the backyard fir pit and it looks to match Locust for burn time and coals.
Of course these finds were free. When I started burning wood last year, I paid $50 for a quarter cord of apple. After reading this forum I soon resolved to never pay for wood. Never ceases to amaze me how much free wood is out there. I'm even getting picky. I only took the alder today because I wanted to help these people out since they gave me free ash and helped loading.
Of course these finds were free. When I started burning wood last year, I paid $50 for a quarter cord of apple. After reading this forum I soon resolved to never pay for wood. Never ceases to amaze me how much free wood is out there. I'm even getting picky. I only took the alder today because I wanted to help these people out since they gave me free ash and helped loading.