craigslist score!!!

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Sep 27, 2015
maple ridge, bc
Hey guys. I thought I'd share this with everyone. Today I was searching through cl for free wood. I have been obsessing over finding quality hard woods. So my first search of the day and I couldn't believe It, 2 cords total for free. Half green and half seasoned for 2 yrs. Apple. Sugar maple, black cherry and alder. I called the guy right away figuring it was gone already but nope. So I fired the ol cummins up and booted over to his place. I made 4 trips and took it all. What a great day. I'll post some pics soon. Cheers
Yup,that deserves a Happy Dance [] craigslist score!!!
Variety is the spice of life ... good score! Planning on using the apple for smoking?
Most of the free wood on Craigslist around here is Pine, but I have been lucky a couple times and gotten some Maple. Almost had some Tamarack, but I called just after someone else claimed it. Just means I will keep my eyes open for the next great score opportunity.

Glad you were able to get there first!

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Ya I'll post pics today I just got home from work. Gotta have a beer first!!! But Ya I'm in a town 40 miles outside Vancouver Canada. On craigslist its usually a huge abundance of fir and cedar. Then u get the poplar and cottonwood both of which I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. People know the value of maple oak birch cherry etc so they try and sell it for ridiculous prices like 350 for a "tossed in" cord of alder. The thing is that people must buy it because there are plenty of firewood companies around here. Makes me mad. As for the apple wood and cherry...I've put aside some of each for smoking. Looking forward to that. I also built a nice decent side wood shed which I'll also post a few pics of. Any how I'll chat to talk later

Nice, been a long time since I've had a cl score, after the freak October snowstorm, hurricane and tornado times were good, if you had a truck you could get free wood all the time, not anymore. Glad you found a good one, let's see the shed.
A little tip I use on CL, is to have a email sent to you as soon as something you are searching for is posted. I do this all the time.
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