After careful consideration and much reading and research on this forum we have decided on the Jotul f500 over the VC Encore or Defiant. Just too many issues with the VCs not to mention more $. We are going with the clear glass version with the top griddle. It will sit on a AJ Jotul line pad made to center the stove and allow clearance on the side door Will also allow some room for tools or a wood holder on other side of stove..Pad is natural Vermont slate on a 6" black wood pedestal. Draft should be good as it will go up 4' through double wall before exiting through the exterior wall and then up 24'. There is a window about 5' from the side load door so I figure I can crack it and leave the load door cracked when starting it up. Have two cords of aged oak ready to go. Installation is scheduled for early \November to allow for permits etc. Thanks to all who gave advise.