Tractor supply is having demo days this sat. and sun. here in Michigan (maybe all over?)fun to play with the saws and power equipment. Went ahead and got a 22 ton splitter. 100 bucks off and got em to subtract sales tax on demo splitter plus full tank of gas and hydro and engine oil out the door for 999.00. Heck the splitter only had a dozen or so logs done on it today,so I am pleased with another 60 taken off. It'll be nice to take it right back where I am cutting and get er done all in one fell swoop. Plus not have to be so surgeon-like finding just the right spot like I did with the little 5 ton task force electric. Though, for the close out price I got the task force for, it has been a good splitter. I have done prolly 6 cords this summer with it including 20+ inch oak,maple,cheery and elm. some of the red oak were probably more like 25". only ran into 2-3 knotty ones that refused to split with it.