Did I just get ripped off?

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Jul 26, 2016
Whitehorse, Yukon
Hi All,

First time posting.

I was delivered 2 cords of beetle kill spruce yesterday. Every single piece of wood is rough and soft and shredded at both ends. The wood is definitely wet to touch (it has been raining a lot lately) but most of it appears solid on the inside. At the ends, I can literally chip away at the pieces with my fingers.

Is this wood rotten, or not quite yet rotten? There are a few handfuls of obviously rotten wood (white cells all through the centre), but the insides of most pieces are solid (though soft and wet to touch). I paid a premium for this wood.

I feel as though I've been ripped off and should question the person I got delivery from, but I want to make sure before I proceed as I am a prime candidate for getting ripped off (inexperienced and female).

Thanks all!
Photos attached.


  • [Hearth.com] Did I just get ripped off?
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  • [Hearth.com] Did I just get ripped off?
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  • [Hearth.com] Did I just get ripped off?
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  • [Hearth.com] Did I just get ripped off?
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To me this wood looks fair at best, not prime but not the worst I've ever seen. Personally I wouldn't want to pay a prime price for beetle killed wood.

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