do i need to insulate this part of the attic?

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Minister of Fire
Sep 23, 2015
southeast kootenays
in a few weeks, i plan to blow in some more insulation in my attic as my upstairs remodeling is nearly complete (all attic work is done). i've airsealed what i can/want to, and have one remaining question.

at my entry way, there is a portion of the roof that extends out (maybe a 5'x6' area). when i go into the attic, there is no insulation here. is this thermal break okay, or should i pack in some insulation in this corner? as far as i can tell, the insulation currently extends beyond the outline of the exterior wall, so any heat going up should be hitting insulation.

i wish i had taken a picture while i was up there, but i frickin' hate attic work, especially in that tight corner, so having a camera was the last of my thoughts.

[] do i need to insulate this part of the attic? [] do i need to insulate this part of the attic?
I wouldn't worry about it if your insulation will cover directly above the exterior wall.
If there is insulation on the exterior walls separating the overhang from the rest of the attic, you don't need it.

I have the same issue on my porch. And I don't have insulation on the walls separating the porch space from the attic space, and you definitely feel the cold difference. I can't reach that space from the attic because the slope gets so tight it is impossible to reach there from inside the attic. So I plan to take down the soffit in the porch and do it from the outside. When I have time....
just drill a 1/2" hole up there and make a nice place for the mice to go :)

I would insulate if you can get to it and you are going back up into the attic for some reason. I wouldn't make a special trip.
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