I really wish we waiting a year before we put in the stove.....we recently moved into a 120 yr old home; 3800 sq ft, gas furnance. My husband and I were worried about our gas bill for the winter so we went ahead and put in a Lopi Liberty in an existing coal burning fireplace. The pipe cuts into the chimney about 6.5 feet up and has the liner the rest of the 25 ft chimney. We are now going through A FACE CORD A WEEK running this bad girl Is anyone else going through this amount of wood?
The house was empty 18 months prior to moving in so it's hard to compare any savings, but gee it seems like we would be breaking even if that We are buying wood $65 a face cord. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks
The house was empty 18 months prior to moving in so it's hard to compare any savings, but gee it seems like we would be breaking even if that We are buying wood $65 a face cord. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks