A year ago a neighbor down the road had a Honey Locust tree's limbs and branches cut way back and he told me I could have all the wood I wanted. So I cut up and brought home maybe 5-6 pick up loads and split it up and stack it on pallets as soon as I burned other wood and had room for it. It's sat out in full sun and wind for the past year. I'm burning some of it now but it burns so slowly! I don't have a moisture meter but the wood is gray on the ends but orange/pinkish where it wasn't exposed. I throw in pieces of ash, hickory, cherry, etc. that I also have along with some Honey Locust to get and keep a good hot fire going in the stove. I know that stuff is good and dense and hard but should I leave it be another year to season it longer? I have about 4-5 face cords of it but I have plenty of other good seasoned wood I can burn in the meantime.