Early Buy... as low as $99.00 per ton?

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Minister of Fire
Hearth Supporter
Jan 2, 2008
Waupaca, WI
Talked to a pellet dealer today... said he's sold them as cheap as $99.00 per ton... more at $149.00 per ton.

I've got info being mailed to me... film at eleven.
Is that $99.00 for a ton of fines? :P

Thats cheap! Would be interested in brand names.........
Yeah maybe in Wisconsin. Won't see those prices here in New England that's fo sho.
zeta said:
Yeah maybe in Wisconsin. Won't see those prices here in New England that's fo sho.

Totally agree! Wish we could get them that cheap! I haven't seen that price for a long time. The prebuys locally are slowly coming in, Around $270 or so!

jtakeman said:
zeta said:
Yeah maybe in Wisconsin. Won't see those prices here in New England that's fo sho.

Totally agree! Wish we could get them that cheap! I haven't seen that price for a long time. The prebuys locally are slowly coming in, Around $270 or so!
They can kiss my azz @ $270 a ton! Pucker up pellet suppliers...
Wet1 said:
They can kiss my azz @ $270 a ton! Pucker up pellet suppliers...

Don't think there going to kiss us! Just willing to stick us!!

There's to many lined up and asking for the prebuy prices. Hell, Switch grass pellets(something that grows along the road and only needs to be mowed to harvest) pellets are going for $250 a ton! I'm looking into the local corn prices to see what I can find.

Anybody know where to go in CT. for corn???

I hoping the early feelers I have, Are way off! These are only qoutes nothung firm! But pellersales was about the same for prebuy prices!

As long as people are willing to pay $250 and up for a ton of pressed sawdust the pellet suppliers will continue to smile all the way to the bank. Cha ching!... they got you by the short hairs because you have a fancy pellet stove and you need something to burn in it. The key word there is " need" and once that need goes away the pellet prices will drop just as oil did. Once people refused to pay $4.50 a gallon for gas, the prices went down.

My pellet stove will sit idle or end up on Craigs list if the prices dont come down because I can heat with natural gas for almost 1/2 of what they are asking for a ton of pellets. Last year I got my pellets for $150 a ton, and I thought that was too much. I spent $4,000 on what was supposed to save me money on heating costs over the long run, but its not turning out that way. Currently if I wanted a ton of pellets I would have to pay $268 a ton, and I would have to go pick them up, and thats just not going to happen.

$99 a ton sounds reasonable to me. Why would you continue to pay $300 and more for pellets when you can fill your oil tank for under $2 a gallon? It's just a matter of doing the math and you'll see that your pellet stove is costing you a lot more than it would to turn on you furnace at this point.
Wet1 said:
They can kiss my azz @ $270 a ton! Pucker up pellet suppliers...

Don't think there going to kiss us! Just willing to stick us!!

There's to many lined up and asking for the prebuy prices. Hell, Switch grass pellets(something that grows along the road and only needs to be mowed to harvest) pellets are going for $250 a ton! I'm looking into the local corn prices to see what I can find.

Anybody know where to go in CT. for corn???

I hoping the early feelers I have, Are way off! These are only qoutes nothung firm! But pellersales was about the same for prebuy prices $249 to $260/ton!

krooser said:
Talked to a pellet dealer today... said he's sold them as cheap as $99.00 per ton... more at $149.00 per ton.

I've got info being mailed to me... film at eleven.

Question: are you saying that years ago he has sold @ these prices or do you mean now and or within the last years or so? Just curious really.
That's a price you get if your a preferred or returning customer isn't it!

If your an outsider isn't the price at least double?
mgreenage1 said:
krooser said:
Talked to a pellet dealer today... said he's sold them as cheap as $99.00 per ton... more at $149.00 per ton.

I've got info being mailed to me... film at eleven.

Question: are you saying that years ago he has sold @ these prices or do you mean now and or within the last years or so? Just curious really.
$99.00 is THIS YEARS early buy... he said he sells several different brands... you can't "try" a few bags of one brand then come back and buy a ton. Delivery only. The only "brand" he mentioned was ProPellet... but, again, like others, he said it was a hardwood/softwood mix, it's not. It's oak/maple.

I'll see what the mailman brings me in the next few days.
Wow, if that's the case, let me know, or maybe we can work a deal out to get more in one delivery. I am in Appleton, and have a few friends that have stoves too. I could easily use 4 tons, my buddy probably 3 tons, and maybe another 2 tons for a third person. Waupaca is close enough to drive for those prices. :)
I am thinking that there has to be a catch to that deal. Maybe the pellets are $99.00 a ton but you have to pay $150.00 extra for the bags the pellets come in.
Are you talking to the guy in Manitowoc

or the big store in Dale?
krooser said:
mgreenage1 said:
krooser said:
Talked to a pellet dealer today... said he's sold them as cheap as $99.00 per ton... more at $149.00 per ton.

I've got info being mailed to me... film at eleven.

Question: are you saying that years ago he has sold @ these prices or do you mean now and or within the last years or so? Just curious really.
$99.00 is THIS YEARS early buy... he said he sells several different brands... you can't "try" a few bags of one brand then come back and buy a ton. Delivery only. The only "brand" he mentioned was ProPellet... but, again, like others, he said it was a hardwood/softwood mix, it's not. It's oak/maple.

I'll see what the mailman brings me in the next few days.

Thanks for the reply Krooser. Jeez, been burning since '95 and I can't recall that kind of pricing ($99.00) even back then!
sounds like some kind of scam...betcha limit is 1 ton per customer or something cheesy like that..ask him to tell you someone YOU know he sold alot of them to...I can hear it now..
"Yup I sold Jimmy Crack Corn a few ton for $99 and now I'm ALL sold out..BUT I got these BETTER pellets for $250 a ton if you're interested..even giveya free delivery if you live less than 100 feet from here...want them?? because I got alot of people on a waiting list for these puppies.."
Well, I got two tons of Somerset pellets at Lowes for $268.50 per ton. The catch: I had a 10% off coupon and their going rate is $298.50 per ton. Still cheaper than Pelletsales.
OU812 said:
I am thinking that there has to be a catch to that deal. Maybe the pellets are $99.00 a ton but you have to pay $150.00 extra for the bags the pellets come in.

Possibly alot of truth to this....Theres a big push at the pellet maufacturer level to sell bulk pellets.....they are delivered into a hopper or bin in an accessable location at the home, so, the end-user just uses a pail to fill her/his stove. In Europe its very common. A few dealers are looking at this method of delivery, the only problem being that its fairly expensive to start with. You'd need a silo for the bulk pellets, on a concrete pad....guessing around $35,000 there for a 12'x20' high silo, you'd need a truck for delivery, and this is a real guess too, but maybe $150k? You dont tend to see used pellet bulk delivery trucks in the used truck lot too often!
I'll try to answer some of these questions...

$99.00 per ton is bagged... he has them @ $149.00 and at $199.00, too... sez he carries several different brands although he kept coming up with "I have pellets with 8200 btu for $XXX the 8600 btu for XXX", etc. Honestly I don't care a whole lot about btu's... tell me the origin wood and what name is on the bag. then I'll worry about btu's.

No, this isn't Earth Sense Energy Systems... and the guy I talked to sounded like HE has better pellets than anyone else... we'll see. He also mentioned a pellet that CLEANS YOUR STOVE AS YOU BURN THEM.... OK, how?

Maybe they have a built-in leaf blower in each bag... I guess I'm sceptical.

The guy I talked to was in Manitowoc... but it's not ESES. He sez he also has a place in Appleton... 40 miles away for your non-Cheeseheads.

This isn't a bulk deal, either. ESES has a bulk plant where they sell in quantity and also bag their own pellets. And it's also not a "preferred customer" deal... he sez it IS like the old "buyers clubs" from years ago. Dues? Who knows.

I mentioned I'm in the trucking biz and he's looking for guys to haul out of the Pro-Pellet plant in White Pigeon, Mi and also another plant in Indianapolis, IN.

We'll see what happens when the postman gets here... maybe my "info" will come today.

Hi Krooser,

I live in Dubuque Iowa, about 4-5 hours away from you for those non-cheeseheads. LOL. Anyway, at that price I could rent a uhaul, and haul a load of pellets to Dubuque. Right now in Dubuque, I can buy pellets at $250 a ton from my dealer who gives a discount to those that purchased stoves from them. I would buy 3 tons, maybe 4. I currently have 3 tons. Please keep me posted with what you get in the mail. Thanks!

If this guy is buying pellets at wholesale prices and selling for a profit, then the other people selling us pellets are ripping us off! Seems too good to be true.

For those who do have the ability to burn natural gas, it is cheaper than burning pellets. If pellet prices continue to increase, I will use gas when I am at work, and use pellets only when I am home awake.
zeta said:
Yeah maybe in Wisconsin. Won't see those prices here in New England that's fo sho.

At that price its almost worth taking a road trip, almost LOL
Well, I hope for all you pelletheads out there that are in range of these, that it really IS true......but something my father always told me is buzzing around in my head about this....."If it seems too good to be true, then it probably isn't".

I've got my fingers crossed for you.
packerfan said:

Any more info on these pellets?

It's a scam... I have another post on this deal... the dealer has you put up posters and gives you a discount if another person buys from him. That's how you get the "deal"... maybe it works but I don't trust the guy who's doing it.

Earth Sense had Uncle jed's bulk at $159.00 per ton. I'm ordering two skids (bagged) plus two skids of Eureka's.
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