Englander settings

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Hearth Supporter
Jan 18, 2007
Pocono Mts, Pennsylvania
I was reading a thread on the EP 25 and 1 comment caught my eye. SLVRBLKK said he runs his stove on 4-4-1 with no problems. My EP 25 is set at 1-4-1, the factory settings, nice flame, clean glass, decent heat but starts to build an ash cake after 2 days of burning with 3 different types of pellets (lignetics, green team, cleanfire). Shutdown time is minimal allowing me time to scrape the burnpot. I know the first # is feed rate and is set for most efficient so why would SLVRBLKK be at a 4 and not be over feeding with no problems? I hope he chimes in as I would like to know how long he goes before cleaning ths burnpot.
I normally clean out the pot and ash drawer every two or three days (I'm a little anal).....depending on which pellet I'm burning but I don't have any type of significant ash buildup in my pot...I'm sure I could easily go weekend to weekend without having to clean it out but like I said I'm probably a little anal about that. I used to have a pdvc that needed daily maintenance so it's probably just a product of that. You know what they say....clean stove is a happy stove.

When you say "ash cake" do you start having burning issues that it's covering the holes? That I've never had happen, not even remotely.

What is the vent setup on yours?
I normally clean out the pot and ash drawer every two or three days (I'm a little anal).....depending on which pellet I'm burning but I don't have any type of significant ash buildup in my pot...I'm sure I could easily go weekend to weekend without having to clean it out but like I said I'm probably a little anal about that. I used to have a pdvc that needed daily maintenance so it's probably just a product of that. You know what they say....clean stove is a happy stove.

When you say "ash cake" do you start having burning issues that it's covering the holes? That I've never had happen, not even remotely.

What is the vent setup on yours?
Thanks for the quick reply. My stove is an insert with14 foot of vertical and a gentle 90 degree bend out of the stove (3 inch pipe). Like I wrote, the stove burns fine for a day and a half then starts to get a lazy flame as holes start to get covered by ash. I'm interested in trying the 4-4-1 setting, curious as to why you changed from the factory settings.
If I have it set on 1-4-1 I get too low of a burn and really need to crank the heat setting way up then...I don't always have it on 4...I run it between 3 and 4 depending on the pellet....It seems with your setup, you are right at your breaking point with possibly having to use 4" pipe....do you have a clean-out tee on the back of your stove?
No cleanout tee, I pulled the exhaust pipe off after aton and a half of pellets with next to no ash in the pipe. I think I might try bumping the feed rate to 3 and see how it goes. Thanks again fo the info.
Since every stove and install are different, just because one acts a certain way doesn't mean you can "copy" those settings.

IMO, if you're getting an ash build-up, the airflow through the stove is not as good as it could be. When was the last time you pulled the unit out and did a real deep cleaning of all internal areas?

Was the comb. blower removed, scraped/wirebrushed and the plenum it sits in cleaned/vacuumed, and blower re-installed w/ a new gasket?

Can you get on the roof to do a leaf blower cleaning?
If you didn't have any accumulation in your vent after 1.5 ton, then the ash must be sitting somewhere else. I do a leaf blowing once a month and can't believe the amount that comes out of mine. I also pull "firebrick" and heat exchanger plate and clean up in there at the same time. I did a good cleaning this morning pulling the plate and such and the heat tubes were about 1/3 of the way covered with ash. The last time I did it was a month ago over X-mas just to give you an idea how it could build up in a short period of time.

Also, like imacman said...you probably are in need of a deep cleaning, if you haven't done so already.
If you didn't have any accumulation in your vent after 1.5 ton, then the ash must be sitting somewhere else. I do a leaf blowing once a month and can't believe the amount that comes out of mine. I also pull "firebrick" and heat exchanger plate and clean up in there at the same time. I did a good cleaning this morning pulling the plate and such and the heat tubes were about 1/3 of the way covered with ash. The last time I did it was a month ago over X-mas just to give you an idea how it could build up in a short period of time.

Also, like imacman said...you probably are in need of a deep cleaning, if you haven't done so already.
I did the leaf blower trick about a month ago. I'll order gasket material and pull the combustion blower and see how the blower box looks.
..... I'll order gasket material and pull the combustion blower and see how the blower box looks.
(broken link removed to http://www.ebay.com/itm/200860337111?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649)
I pull the combustion motor and clean fins and bower box and pipes after every ton.
imacman thanks for the e-bay link. (beats cleaning a oil furnace or paying to have it cleaned these days)
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