I'm gearing up for burning season here in PA. Last year I supplemented my cord wood that I scrounge up with some of the compressed wood bricks from Tractor Supply. They weren't bad and were certainly a bit cleaner to work with. I also have the BioBlocks near me but they're nearly double the price of the TS Envirobrick and seemed to burn identically. However, a couple smaller suppliers near me have the Envi 8 bricks, although not yet since it's early.
Has anyone had direct experience burning the Barefoot Envi 8 bricks vs the Tractor Supply Envirobricks? Is the Envi much better or are they similar enough that it's not worth the hassle of hunting them down. I wish I could get the compressed logs that have such a good reputation but I can't get them anywhere near me.
Thanks in advance.
Has anyone had direct experience burning the Barefoot Envi 8 bricks vs the Tractor Supply Envirobricks? Is the Envi much better or are they similar enough that it's not worth the hassle of hunting them down. I wish I could get the compressed logs that have such a good reputation but I can't get them anywhere near me.
Thanks in advance.