I've been doing a lot of reading on what other users are saying about their vent being just warm to the touch. Mine is very hot inside and outside of the house; I can hold my hand 2 feet above the vertical rise outside for less than a second before I would probably burn the skin. I have bent the tabs in on my impingement plate so it sits even closer to the back wall and has maybe an 1/8 of an inch of forward lean. My vent is double wall Duravent 3" and I never imagined it would be hot enough to leave a nice burn on my arm when I grazed the elbow when I was finishing the grout on the stone. My settings are 4-2-1 and mostly burn at 1 and 4 or 3 and 7 for when it gets below 10 degrees. Besides the daily cleaning, I have gone through the stove and cleaned it out thoroughly....4 times.... with a 3/4" silicone tubing attachment i made for the vac. The house is only 1200 sf and I am not having too much trouble keeping it up to temperature. It almost seems the air coming out of the vent is as hot as the air coming from the blower and from my understanding this doesn't seem anywhere near normal???
I attached some pictures of the venting and of the flame that does not look to be too lazy. I know dirty glass.
I attached some pictures of the venting and of the flame that does not look to be too lazy. I know dirty glass.