The wood stove connection in my basement is an 8” round clay pipe flue which is run sloped horizontally through the 12”concrete block basement wall (extends a few inches through wall into space). Beyond this it goes to a rectangular clay liner chimney of all concrete block construction on the outside of the home. The exterior of the block is rock veneered.The previous owner left the stove connection pipe which consists of an 8” black single wall metal pipe elbow and straight section. It appears the elbow fits into the clay pipe flue with the straight section going vertically to the stove (I am only assuming though). I am wondering if there is a requirement for the metal pipe to be secured by some means to the clay flue. The slip fit is good and I imagine when the metal heats it will expand making the fit even better. Evidently the system was used for several years with no issues. The original home owner also stated he had no issues with creosote build-up in the chimney (he is menonite and constructed the home). Is there a clamp, etc. that can be used for the metal to clay connection? Are there any concerns with this system?