So I see 10-20 "broken" chainsaws a week at work. I don't diagnose them, I don't fix them, I just see them. Roughly 50% are severely loose chains and roughly 50% are gummed up carbs.
Note that there's really not room in there for an "other" category, because there's generally not anything to go into it.
Well... today, I found an "other".
Problem description: "Went on fire". Well, that's accurate.
Gee, let's see. Nearly zero wood chips..... and exactly zero oil.
Oh, look in the bottom of the oil tank. It's our friend Zero Oil. How'd he get in there?
Melted through into the fuel tank too. Not even a drop left in the primer bulb.
In other news, when you spray gas on a big strip of unlubricated metal that is grinding against itself at 12,000 RPM, that might not be the best idea in the world.
Note that there's really not room in there for an "other" category, because there's generally not anything to go into it.
Well... today, I found an "other".
Melted through into the fuel tank too. Not even a drop left in the primer bulb.
In other news, when you spray gas on a big strip of unlubricated metal that is grinding against itself at 12,000 RPM, that might not be the best idea in the world.