Not equivalent....count the number of zeros on the payoff, and count how many people are being hurt or killed by the two policies.
And AFAIK, with deficit spending the folks footing the bill haven't been born yet....Hmmm, I wonder if they would pick the wind farm or the coal plant?
Ok , I'll bite . How many are killed or hurt by both policies . Actual evidence . Not theories , not conjecture ... actual PROVEN numbers .
I will throw this in the mix . If you tax a people to provide more money for something that is not efficient , and unless you HAVE money , you cannot afford , does that harm? If someone making 40k a year that cannot afford 50k in solar panels pays MORE taxes so that the guy making 500k can buy his panels with an incentive , does that not hurt the 50k guy? Does it effect his food/housing/education etc budget?
My point is , subsidies , no matter WHO gets them is not right . Forcing people to pay by threat of violence for something they wish not to be involved in or would not benefit from is not something a free people do . Gov has no right to decide winners and losers of what the people want or decide .
Btw , " Gov butter " is the only reason most renewables even venture to break even . Not including when state or fed REQUIRE you to buy renewable energy . Perhaps you should delve a little more into the actual costs to taxpayers , failures, and limitations of renewables at this time . Perfect the product , then roll it out . Until then , you use what is proven and reliable .
Honestly I wish I had the money to drop 50-70k on solar . But I do not , so instead my taxes pay for those that can . Until ANY renewable can compete without a big helping hand we will have to rely on what we know works . I will keep burning wood because THAT is cheaper and renewable . My gasifier will keep running when I need it because IT is renewable and cheaper than gas for my gennie . And guess what , I didn't need any federal dollars for either . People , not gov, will find a new and better energy source . Fed R&D money is as far as I am willing to go .
Lol , and I am betting the people not born yet will ask why we spent their money on unproven and inefficient tech , racking up losses , just so we could say we tried . And deficit spending? Like shovel ready jobs? Seriously......... use what you have , give non partisan research facilties money to find new ways to provide energy through R&D , and let PEOPLE decide what they want . Unless your anti freedom , you let individuals decide their fate .