We already had a great debate on whether this was some type of Ash of Norway Maple in this thread:
Ash or Norway Maple
I don't wish to resurrect that thread since it has since become fairly irrelevant but I will post one last pic relating to its ID.
This is a small twig from one of the upper branches. No dead leaves to go by
Finally got it all bucked up and loaded for home. I'll probably split it up later this week. I'm thinking its a little less than a half cord.
Ash or Norway Maple
I don't wish to resurrect that thread since it has since become fairly irrelevant but I will post one last pic relating to its ID.
This is a small twig from one of the upper branches. No dead leaves to go by
Finally got it all bucked up and loaded for home. I'll probably split it up later this week. I'm thinking its a little less than a half cord.