Do they make firebrick 12" X 12" ?
The Morso has front "andirons" that keep the logs off the glass and in order to get a raw pie off the pizza piel and into the stove the drop is over 3" down to where a pizza stone would sit on a bed of coals, I can smell the burning crust and cheese thinking about trying to maneuver a pizza in and down 3"
I was going to make up a stand of sorts to put a stone on top of in the stove but decided that after cooking a few pizzas having to deal with a HOT pizza stone and a HOT steel stand wasnt the best idea considering we all know what beverage goes best with pizza
The Morso has front "andirons" that keep the logs off the glass and in order to get a raw pie off the pizza piel and into the stove the drop is over 3" down to where a pizza stone would sit on a bed of coals, I can smell the burning crust and cheese thinking about trying to maneuver a pizza in and down 3"
I was going to make up a stand of sorts to put a stone on top of in the stove but decided that after cooking a few pizzas having to deal with a HOT pizza stone and a HOT steel stand wasnt the best idea considering we all know what beverage goes best with pizza