Okay so just want to get a final word here , plan on picking up stove this evening. A pleasant hearth brand new off craigslist. I hope I'm not upsetting anyone by posting this again. Just want to make sure I do this properly. Once again some advice from people here and outside of forum have me torn . I appreciate all advice so far. But as you can see the basement has a large area of brick where the stove and wood will sit. Now so far it seems I am going to run a straight piece of single wall pipe from the circle tile thimble (existing) straight out to stove to a 90 degree down into the stove? Also adding some sort of insulation around the single wall pipe around/inside the circle tile in pic. Does this sound ok ? Should the pipe through the circle tile stop flush with flue work or extend farther in? Is it ok to run the pipe straight into the flue without the flue being extended lower? Just masonry block exposed. Or does another 90 degree need applied once through the wall into the flue? Trying to do as simple as possible but safely as well. Will draft be bad with such little pipe work? Or does the tall flue help? Take it easy on me I'm new! Thanks again everyone
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