Found an ad on Craigslist last night for oak that was cut, split and stacked 2 1/2 years ago. $60 per face cord. Called first thing this morning. He had 4 cords left. It was an hour one way and I would have to rent a trailer ($26 for the day). I took my axe and moisture meter along. Split a few of the larger pieces and found the moisture at 20 -23% range. I was satisfied as the maple I have now is measuring 16 - 23%. The stacks were about 5' high by 8 foot long so I was satisfied with the deal. I could only fit 3 of the large cords in the back of the truck and trailer. They are now stacked in neat rows in my garage. I think I have enough wood for the rest of the winter now. A nice feeling. I will start on next years supply soon.