I'm fishing for ideas. I would like to work for myself. I live in a very rural area and I'm unemployed. My first thought was to sell firewood. Doing the math, I found that it wouldn't work out so well. I would have to move huge volumes of wood. My 100 acre woodlot couldn't sustain 10 cords of firewood each month. I doubt I could sell 10 cords a month without some major advertising. I doubt there would ever come a time, even in the dead of winter, that I could sell enough wood to meet my goal of 20k per year. I would have to hire help, lease woodlots, invest in vehicles, saws, and other equipment. I'm looking for an initial investment of around $1000. I have thought about buying a wood splitter and splitting other peoples wood for a profit, but looking at the "market", I doubt anyone would pay to have their wood split around here. I don't want to work an everyday 9-5 job, there aren't many jobs around here anyways hence the above "very rural" area. If anyone has any ideas what I might could do to meet my goal of 20k per year gross, with an initial investment of $1000, lets hear it!. I'm not afraid of hard work whatsoever, but my body is getting older and I'm much slower than I was when I was in my 20's... I guess if it were very easy, everyone would be working for themselves huh? I have 100 acre woodlot, previously logged of the large timber, just don't know what I could do with it to earn some $$.