What are the relative flue temps of a modern tube stove vs modern cat stove vs old time smoke dragon without any secondary burn technology?
I'm not looking for exact temps here as I would assume there are too many variables (hardwood, softwood, stack height, firebox size, outdoor temp, OAK, etc, etc etc), just wondering which flue would generally see the highest and lowest temps. Ie. do the current epa stoves cause our flues to see hotter or lower temps than the stoves of yesteryear?
I'm not looking for exact temps here as I would assume there are too many variables (hardwood, softwood, stack height, firebox size, outdoor temp, OAK, etc, etc etc), just wondering which flue would generally see the highest and lowest temps. Ie. do the current epa stoves cause our flues to see hotter or lower temps than the stoves of yesteryear?