An old co worker hooked me up with a friend of hers, an old retired couple that has a few acres of of woods that had a lot of standing dead and down trees they wanted cleaned up. They think im doing them a favor, i think they are doing me a favor so it works out great. While cutting their trees 3 of the neighbors heard about it and offered me trees on their property, some already cut and bucked by a tree company just laying there. One years worth of wood suddenly morphed into 2 or 3 years ahead. Right now im dropping them, bucking them up abd leaving them in piles so i can make quick trips to load up as i have time. Perfect evening to be in the woods.
Finally splurged and bought a log splitter, got almost half those rounds split yesterday in about 8 hrs. Kinda feel guilty buying a splitter as i always took pride in splitting my wood by hand but now that my quantity of wood increased 10 fold im getting to old to keep up swinging an axe.
I could not believe how many rounds i split where ants just came pouring out. They were just packed solid in some of these pieces. Aspen and birch are the worst for ants.
My ol chain saw. It's probably 20 yrs old and i have ran it over with the truck, dropped trees on it, and once ran it on straight gas til it seized up and it still keeps going for which i am thankful. A new Stihl will be my next up grade, maybe next year.
Al in all it was a good weekend. Got some wood cut, got a lot of wood split, cleaned the leaves out of the gutters, cleaned up the yard for winter and i still have today off to get more done. And best of all the weather was perfect this weekend.