A big "Thanks" to Driftwood, Highbeam, Struggle, Rich L, and jpl1nh !! and many others down the road that helped me get going. This is my third winter with this baby now. A couple of days ago I was at the house with temperature coasting at 74*. Outside it was 9* and the windchill was about -12*. My wife and I were just as cozy as can be :- ) I am still a 24/7 burner and am still in love with my Mansfield. I had one issue at the end of last winter when a crack in one of the stones showed it's ugly face. I got with the dealer and in the summer they picked it up and sent it off to Hearthstone. The stone was replaced and it's back up and running like a champ. Honestly I could have left it alone because the weight of the stone just seem to keep it air tight. By the time it was being picked up it seemed like it healed itself (?). The crack looked closed up again (?) Anyway it has been an amazing stove. I love being able to sit as close as I like watching the fire show and never get cooked out of the room (unlike my past Cast Iron stove). I owe a lot to this forum and the highly knowledgeable people on it for helping me chose the stove that's suits me and helping me on the way. Salute!