Got some splitting to do

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Feeling the Heat
Nov 18, 2014
[] Got some splitting to do
Finally it stopped snowing. Time to get these rounds I stashed from last fall split! Ash, Cherry and some Honey Locust.
being ahead of the game is worth it's weight in any other source of heat.... Having well seasoned wood ready to go is a beautiful thing.

Enjoy, and keep at it!
I've been dying to get out and split the two cords I have bucked. Looks like spring has finally arrived, it's the best time of the year to grow the woodpile.
Nothing quite like wood CSS ready to go. Like having money in the bank ::-)::-)::-)
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I'm in town for a few days and the weather looks cooperative. Couple hours a day should get it done........until I find more wood on the side of the road that is......
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