Guess where Henry found this?

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Minister of Fire
Jan 12, 2012
southern ontario
[] Guess where Henry found this?
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I typed an answer to this the other day, so what happened to it? Oh,well.

Henry is my grandson. He lives on Maui. Loves snakes, so from that perspective only it is unfortunate he lives on snakes in Hawaii.

Spent a year with me when his Dad was being treated for cancer. He has amazing vision...found an incredible number of snakes, including species that are not supposed to live in our area. Largest was a big (maybe 4 feet?) fat milk snake. Smallest was a tiny salmon colored snake the size of a pencil...can't recall species, will have to look it up. Isn't supposed to be north of PA>

One particularly long garter snake wrapped its tail around his belt loop. He came over to me and showed which point the snake slithered its tail across Henry's snap and around the belt loop on the other side...a snake belt. Henry wasn't too thrilled....
That is a great pic, kids have no fear. Reminds me of an incident a couple of years ago. My 8 year old daughter was chasing a snake across the yard and every time she tried to pick it up it was trying to bite her. So being the "big brave"father I showed her how to gently stand on its tail and then pick them up behind the head (seen it done many times). She did and I asked her if that was the 1st time she had ever touched a snake. She said.." yeap" and I replied me too !! For 41 years I never got any closer than a shovel handle or big stick.. .... couldn't show fear in front of the kiddo .lol. Not to sure if I want to make a habit of it though.
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