Not really sure because I've been grabbing off different stacks as the mood strikes me, not working off one main stack where I can easily tell how much I've burned. I'd guess we're still under a cord burned. I
will say that so far I've been burning a fair amount of Red Elm and medium-heat woods like soft Maple and Cherry, and a bit of Ash, Red Oak, hard Maple, but not much of my primo stuff.
I've taken several carloads of wood over to feed the Buck 91, and just took a half cord over in the trailer Sunday. It may only require three cords a season, when I originally guessed four...we'll see. I really should keep better track of the amounts burned, but I'm not trying to stay just ahead of what I need, I'm going for Scotty-type overkill in my wood supply. I want to have so much wood on hand that I could build recreations of the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria out of it, then fill 'em with dry wood.
If I
bought wood, I guess I would need a better idea of what was required for a year...
Took down some of the T&G boards and have found lots of air infiltration.
.......I think we've used a bit more than 2 cord so far
, but I have a plan.
....Woke up this morning and the house was 58.
You don't need any precious warm air escaping with
your climate. Your house needs to be 'in the mitten.'
On the plus side, maybe your heat was blowing towards the can feel good that you were able to help them out.
It's bad enough here if ya got leaks....yeah, yeah I'm workin' on it.
A plan is good to have. I got back this AM to a 64-degree house because I didn't 'plan' on all that heat being sucked out by 10* overnight low. Shoulda tossed a couple extra splits on earlier.
Wow, that's a buttload of smilies in that quote and that a record?