Havlat24 said:
All these BTU ratings are subjective, and contain to many variables in my opinion. The lack of real world test results, and accountability to what the producer actually puts on the bag makes me refrain from really commenting one way or the other whether product a is better than product b... . You have to burn it and if you dont get the results your looking for ...TFB
Producer puts a BTU rating on the bag..... if a customer complains they dont burn hot enough.... stove setup...stove maintenance...OAK...pellet storage.... etc gets blamed.
I would expect an associate who makes his living selling one particular brand of pellets would be somewhat biased... Kinda like me saying Alberta Plywood is the worlds best SPF plywood..... I would know... I make it!!
Whether or not Douglas Fir burns "hotter" then pine is a broad claim, we would need to know the specifics...
IE: Both pellets at the same moisture content...density.... (beetle kill wood...) etc.
Here are my real world tests...hundreds of thousands of tons of these pellets sold over several years, not only in North America, but Europe and Asia, constantly being tested by outside third parties...but since you have stated that you really only use one brand of pellet, I guess that really doesn't make you the best judge of what is good or isn't. Since in the course of my work, I talk to dozens of dealers weekly, on both coasts, you get a pretty good feel for what is good and what isn't.
It's not a case of one or two people burning pellet A or B and not getting the results they feel they should, but many people basically all saying the same thing...Pellet A is very good, pellet B seems to be junk
I have stated many times I am bias, and make no bones about it. I also have an agenda... I want to sell more of these pellets to more people at more dealers...I don't hide that fact..
Obviously you have no idea what yo are talking about when it comes to comparing a Douglas Fir pellet to anything else made into a pellet ...If you ever burned them, you would not make such a comment..
I have no idea if you make the best plywood in the world or not...and if I needed to know that, I would go to a plywood forum, not a pellet blog. Having been in the wholesale lumber business for 20+ year, you don't have to convince me how good SPF is...I sold millions of board ft over the years....but that isn't what we are talking about here
Check your facts as your specifics are wacky...and for the record, beetle kill wood has no bearing on how well a pellet burns. That only applies to how the tree was killed.....