Harley buying EPA Wood Stoves

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Burning Hunk
Oct 11, 2014
East Granby CT
Interesting last sentence to the first paragraph in this article. As part of a punishment HD will be upgrading smoke dragons.
(broken link removed to https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/harley-davidson-stop-sales-illegal-devices-increased-air-pollution-companys-motorcycles)
All new Harleys have cats now. Been that way since 2011 or 12 I tink.
I think that's a pretty cool stipulation, there are many households that are not as fortunate and can not afford to upgrade to a more efficient stove, I almost feel as though most large corporate fines should have a trust fund setup with specific stipulations of were the fine money can be spent.
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Kenny, I totally agree. VW is going to pay a bunch of money but where is that going. I doubt it will be used for the good of the people.
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