Hi, any help here would be appreciated. I have tried everything and I am still not getting my stove to run due to the vacuum pressure switch being tripped and not allowing the auger to get power. I have tried everything but maybe I am missing something. First thought the auger motor was bad so I replaced it. No Luck! Then I bypassed the pressure switch and the auger got power so I thought the pressure switch was bad..so replaced that and nope, same problem. I cleaned the stove 2 times and the vent is as free and clean as possible. I then replaced the gasket on the door and sill nothing. So something is making that pressure switch trip since when I did bypass it, it got power to the auger motor. I took off the hose and blew it Just in case there was something in there. I am stuck and have nothing let to do but call a service guy...ugh..I feel defeated lol. HELP!