What ypu describe is a no start condition. A code would have been flashing on the control board. If you deleted the code, by turning any of the knobs, then see if stove will light and run.
Why do you "feel the need" to "scrape the burn pot" 3 times a day?? It is a "bottom pusher" stove, ash on the pot is normal,belongs there, it is self cleaning. To scrape the burn pot on a Harman is only to remove hard deposits underneath the ash. You should only have to to that once a day, or less. Some only do it once a week, with no issues. "Black window every morning" sounds like you are burning in room temp, manual mode, and stove is staying in low mode all night, which will make a stove and glass dirty fast, that mode is not made for long term use in warmer conditions, makes stove dirty, worse emissions. Read manual, and this-
Thanks Mod for correcting the title! Now, let's have some fun and stay warm! How your stove works - The facts are pretty straightforward, but how you get people to properly interpret the facts is the hard part. It's your toy, run it the way you want as long as you understand what's going on...
We woke up to a full burnpot and no fire. My husband fell asleep on the couch, said the dial was on room temp, it wasn’t blowing cold air. I came down and found the burn pot stuffed full of pellets. He had turned off. I turned on again and it seems to be going now. I will add for the last month and a half we’ve been using Energex I’ve been having to scrape the pot 3 times a day. Just made the decision to go back to wood and son. Energex was leaving loads of ash and a black window every morning.
So my husband deleted the code so I wasn’t able to google it. He turned it off and turned it on and turned it off again. Said the blower wasn’t going when he woke up. I’ve been the one scraping and cleaning the stove. I’ve been scraping it because the pellets we used don’t burn com