My beloved, seven-year old Harmon 300i insert's rightside blower is not working properly. The blade assembly started making noise recently, and now it spins much too slowly to do any good. It also stops completely, at which point I can get it moving again by pushing it with my fingers. But again, it will spin too slowly to blow any wonderful hot air into my humble abode. Thus, the insert is essentially working at half-capacity because only the leftside fan is functioning.
(1) Has anybody had a similar experience with these blowers? I think they are used on several model inserts.
(2) Is it a serviceable part? I do not see any oil ports, and don't want to blow $200. Pun intended.
(3) Any suggestions? I don't mind taking the damn thing apart if anybody has any tricks to share.
Any help would be appreciated.
- The Oak Man
My beloved, seven-year old Harmon 300i insert's rightside blower is not working properly. The blade assembly started making noise recently, and now it spins much too slowly to do any good. It also stops completely, at which point I can get it moving again by pushing it with my fingers. But again, it will spin too slowly to blow any wonderful hot air into my humble abode. Thus, the insert is essentially working at half-capacity because only the leftside fan is functioning.
(1) Has anybody had a similar experience with these blowers? I think they are used on several model inserts.
(2) Is it a serviceable part? I do not see any oil ports, and don't want to blow $200. Pun intended.
(3) Any suggestions? I don't mind taking the damn thing apart if anybody has any tricks to share.
Any help would be appreciated.
- The Oak Man