Hauled this cherry out of the woods.

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Minister of Fire
Mar 18, 2011
Northeastern Ohio
[Hearth.com] Hauled this cherry out of the woods. [Hearth.com] Hauled this cherry out of the woods. [Hearth.com] Hauled this cherry out of the woods.
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This spring my not yet neighbor owns 26 acres south of me surrounded by the park system,he paid over a half million for this pristine piece of woods along with a river going through it. Anyway he plans to build one house hidden from all at some time. He calls me anytime a tree falls which is often.I can't always cut and haul what falls because of the logistics getting to the trees. However this spring a huge cherry toppled over and was somewhat accessible so over the weekend we hauled and cut her.Thanks God for that Suzuki.This was In March.
Have you considered using a trailer? ;)
Have you considered using a trailer? ;)
I have one ,depends on logistics this woods is a lot thicker than the pictures portray.Sometimes this method is the only way and quicker.
I have one ,depends on logistics this woods is a lot thicker than the pictures portray.Sometimes this method is the only way and quicker.

Ah . . . that makes sense.
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