Me & husband are searching ways to combat the HIGH price of oil, we have an old (1901) farmhouse, not well insulated, (probably about 4,000 square feet) Oil Furance is 140,000 BTU's. We can NOT put any Furnaces in the house at all, Basement ceiling too low, plus insurance issues, so we Must get some kind of Boiler--to either put in a shed we build or pipe to garage 130 feet away from house. We wanted to use Wood and coal, but it seems most only allow you to use ONE fuel, but not both. We normally use 700 gallons of oil a winter season. Please give advice on what we should do ??? Anthracite coal in our area costs $220 a ton. BItumous coal is about $100 a ton. Wasn't sure if you get a Gasification boiler, if you have to use one or the other ? Need lots of advice. Thank you.