Looking to get and put in a pellet stove for my basement. Trying to decide between 2 different brands. Looking to see if you all have any experience with these
1. Harmon Accentra Pellet Stove. Really liking this one. purchase and installed is 4878.00, from what i have read its really good.
2. Heatilator CAB50. purchase and installed 3389.00
is one better than the other, more reliable than the other. just wondering if any of you all have and any experience with one or the other.
1. Harmon Accentra Pellet Stove. Really liking this one. purchase and installed is 4878.00, from what i have read its really good.
2. Heatilator CAB50. purchase and installed 3389.00
is one better than the other, more reliable than the other. just wondering if any of you all have and any experience with one or the other.