I have a PE Super Classic and this morning I loaded it more than what I usually with do with four medium to larger sized splits over a small bed of coals. Stove was maybe half full. I think the fire took off and heard the pipe making noise and there was some rumbling of the stove and pipe. Wife commented on how loud it was. This scared me a little. Anyone experience this? I shut the air all the way down and it continued to rumble for about 5-10 seconds and then stopped. There was a slight smell similar to when I first got the stove. I haven't fully loaded this stove yet, either. It was installed Nov 30, so i haven't been burning long and my oak is well under 20% for the most part (I've ran into a couple logs that weren't as seasoned). Should I be concerned? Its been about an hour now and the fire is down to large coals and the glass is a dirty. I'm thinking maybe going forward I need to turn down the air sooner rather than let it go. I like to get the soot burned off the baffle before I start to turn it down.