Hi I hope I don't sound too stupid here, but I could use some advice from you experts out there. I have been planning on converting to wood/coal for a while now, but we were dragging our feet due to permit costs, etc. Well, God decided that today was the day that I needed to install this stove because I received a call from my kids that the smoke detector was going off and they smelled fumes. Sure enough, the heat exchanger on my forced air oil burner had ruptured. Thus began a frantic race against time and cold to get the stove pisked up and installed before we froze. I picked it up, disassembling it to be able to move it, brought it home and reassembled it, replacing firebricks as needed. So far, so good. However, there were two pieces laying on the shaker grates when I started to disassemble it that I can't figure out where they go. They are about 12-16" long and roughly a "T" in cross section about 4" in either direction. One of the ends of the cross of the "T" is curved. For the life of me I can't figure out where these things go. I finally lit it and have been watching it like a hawk and it seems to be working, but I still worry that I may need those parts. If anyone out there can help me, please tell me where these things go. Thank you in advance for any help you can give me and God Bless.