Hello. I'm new.
I have always wanted a wood cook stove because we live pretty simply. We grow most of our own food, can, etc.
I never got a stove because all the ones I saw were so expensive we couldn't afford it for an experiment in cooking.
This week I went to a home to pick up an OLD style Lodge #10 dutch oven (i love cooking on cast iron) that someone advertised on FB Marketplace. In the picture, under the pot, I saw the top of a wood stove. When I got there, I found the couple cleaning up their parent's house. Mom had just died and she had a pot belly stove (just sold), an OLD gas stove in mint condition, OLD! and a flat top wood stove. They offered it for $200 because they needed to move everything out of the house.
Pease help me understand what I have. Is there supposed to be a top part like many stoves I have seen? And most importantly, are there any resources to tell me how to get started, like from the beginning...how to make a fire in it? It is supposed to have a 7" pipe but the opening is oblong. Is there an adapter?
Help is incredibly appreciated. I am so excited.
P.S. there is the dutch oven I spent hours scrubbing rust off and retreating it.
I have always wanted a wood cook stove because we live pretty simply. We grow most of our own food, can, etc.
I never got a stove because all the ones I saw were so expensive we couldn't afford it for an experiment in cooking.
This week I went to a home to pick up an OLD style Lodge #10 dutch oven (i love cooking on cast iron) that someone advertised on FB Marketplace. In the picture, under the pot, I saw the top of a wood stove. When I got there, I found the couple cleaning up their parent's house. Mom had just died and she had a pot belly stove (just sold), an OLD gas stove in mint condition, OLD! and a flat top wood stove. They offered it for $200 because they needed to move everything out of the house.
Pease help me understand what I have. Is there supposed to be a top part like many stoves I have seen? And most importantly, are there any resources to tell me how to get started, like from the beginning...how to make a fire in it? It is supposed to have a 7" pipe but the opening is oblong. Is there an adapter?
Help is incredibly appreciated. I am so excited.
P.S. there is the dutch oven I spent hours scrubbing rust off and retreating it.