This is the simple and free one I offer on my site:
It gets used several hundred times a day, so I guess that some like it
I use it quite a bit myself.
Basements and crawlspaces are a challenge to model well. I looked around for a simple way to handle these without a lot of luck.
What's in there now is a slab on grade method from ASHRAE where you can change the edge insulation, but no provisions for insulation under the slab.
Otherwise, for an unheated basement or crawl space, the main floor can be modeled with whatever level of insulation you want.
When modeling a crawlspace or unheated basement, some methods recommend inputting a higher R value for the floor than you actually have because the crawlspace or basement is buffered from the outside and generally runs a warmer temp (so less heat loss) than if the floor were fully exposed to the outside. The HEED program and some others recommend just doubling the R value for the floor to account for this. That is, if your floor is actually insulated to R20, then use R40 for the program input.
One way to model a heated basement would be to treat the above ground part of the basement wall as a standard wall (just like a main floor wall), and then model the rest of the basement as a slab on grade. A little trial and error with this leads me to believe it overestimates heat loss.
Its a Javascript, and all the code for it can be looked at or changed by just using your browsers View Page Source menu. Its open to anyone to change as long as you make it clear that its a modified version.
Bear in mind that any of these methods are approximations -- I figure its a good day if the method comes with in plus/minus 20% of the real heat loss.
Some others you might look at are HEED, HOT2000 (Cannadian) -- there may be a HOT3000 by now -- these have pretty nice user interfaces.
Equest is free and can model in more detail, but has a pretty steep learning curve.
EnergyPlus is the DOE's free modeling tool and is capable of modeling very complex heat loss situations -- quite a steep learning curve, but there has been some effort to build tools to use with it to aid in input prep and viewing the output -- one of those allows you to build your house in SketchUp and then works out an EnergyPlus input file from that.
All of these work off a weather file for your area, while mine estimates yearly heat loss from your local heating degree days.