I was courius,
1) I start with small kindling then progess to bigger stuff as the fire gets established
2) I start with small kindling and newspaper "" ""
3) I pack it full and use solvents to get it going (OBVIOUSLY NOT THE SMART THING TO DO!! DO NOT TAKE THAT AS A SUGGESTION)
4) I pack it full and use a natural product like fatwood to start a fire
5) i use wax based logs, alchahol base gel, or wax soaked chips to start a fire
6) top down method.
Please feel free to give a explanation. Im shure i missed a few.
I think the way people start fires is almost as diverse as the stoves they pick. I personally whitnessed my old landlord make batches of his own firestarter out of keroseen and sawdust. I thought he was nuts.
I personaly am a 4. I usually stuff my firebox from the side load, i try to get as much wood in as possible. I stick one or two sticks of fatwood in some of the spaces in the endgrain. I shut the side load door within a few minutes, then wa la! I made fire.
1) I start with small kindling then progess to bigger stuff as the fire gets established
2) I start with small kindling and newspaper "" ""
3) I pack it full and use solvents to get it going (OBVIOUSLY NOT THE SMART THING TO DO!! DO NOT TAKE THAT AS A SUGGESTION)
4) I pack it full and use a natural product like fatwood to start a fire
5) i use wax based logs, alchahol base gel, or wax soaked chips to start a fire
6) top down method.
Please feel free to give a explanation. Im shure i missed a few.
I think the way people start fires is almost as diverse as the stoves they pick. I personally whitnessed my old landlord make batches of his own firestarter out of keroseen and sawdust. I thought he was nuts.
I personaly am a 4. I usually stuff my firebox from the side load, i try to get as much wood in as possible. I stick one or two sticks of fatwood in some of the spaces in the endgrain. I shut the side load door within a few minutes, then wa la! I made fire.